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International Scholarship and Tuition Services Partners

Thank you for your interest in Harvard’s Division of Continuing Education!

Whether you’re interested in professional development programs, taking a course, earning a certificate, or pursuing a full degree, we’re thrilled you’re considering joining our Harvard community.

Through your organization’s partnership with us, you are eligible to receive 10% off all DCE Programs (excluding programs for high school students and the HBSO Core MGMT 10 program). This includes Harvard Extension School, Harvard Summer School, and Harvard Professional & Executive Development.

DCE 50th anniversary logo

DCE Celebrates 50 Years of Access, Innovation, and Impact

This year we’re celebrating our founding in 1975 and the beginning of the modern era of Harvard University’s commitment to continuing education, open enrollment, and access.

Throughout 2025, Dean Nancy J. Coleman will lead events to recognize the achievements of our students, staff, faculty, and alumni as well as reflect on the myriad of ways DCE has expanded access to Harvard for learners around the world; contributed to programmatic, academic, and technological innovation; and impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals and their communities.

Upcoming 50th Anniversary Events

Harvard Extension School Spotlight: Conversation on AI and Religion

Join Dean Suzanne Spreadbury for a thought-provoking conversation on the intersection of artificial intelligence, mindfulness, and ethics with Chris Berlin, a renowned instructor at Harvard Divinity School and Harvard Extension School.

Professional & Executive Development Spotlight: The Future of Work

Join Pamela Rucker in a discussion with Dean Nancy Coleman, David Shore, and Anne Dwojeski-Santos on the future of work and the role of alternative credentials in employee training.

Ready to take the next step?

Study at Harvard Extension School 

Registration for Spring 2025 is closed.

  1. Learn more about Harvard Extension School.
  2. Whether you’re interested in taking a course or working towards a certificate or degree program, Harvard Extension School offers a variety of options to meet your interests. Visit our course catalog to search for courses of interest to you.
  3. You can learn more about the steps involved before, during, and after course registration. We also strongly recommend reviewing the Academic Calendar for all important dates and deadlines.
  4. You must create a MyDCE account in order to submit your eligibility documentation and receive the discount code.
  5. Log into your MyDCE account, By clicking the “Document Uploader” icon in MyDCE you will be redirected to the “Document Upload Form” where you will submit your ISTS eligibility document for review, you should submit a copy of your ID card or a recent pay stub. Please note that all documentation submitted should be in English. On the “Document Upload Form,” select “ISTS Verification” from the drop-down under the “Uploadable Documents” heading. Next, click the paperclip icon labeled “Attachment” at the bottom of your screen and select “Upload Files” to navigate to where the PDF file is located on your device. Finally, you must click the Submit button at the bottom of the screen to successfully submit the document for review. You will now see your document appear under the “Previously Submitted Documents” list with the date. Additionally, you will receive an email confirmation verifying your submission.
  6. The deadline to submit documents for the January session is Monday, January 6, 2025, and for the spring term, Thursday, January 23, 2025. You should expect to receive a response within 2–3 business days. You can also request help with submitting discount codes until these dates.
  7. You must enter your code during Pre-Registration prior to the term’s registration deadline in order for it to be applied. Please note: The tuition reduction is effective for enrollment in future terms and will not be applied retroactively.
  8. How to use your discount: under the “Employer” field in registration, respond yes to the question does your organization have a partnership with DCE making you eligible for a tuition discount? Enter the discount code emailed to you within the discount code box. Do not share this code with anyone outside of the organization as this information will be verified with the ISTS team regularly.

If you have any questions about your discount code or enrollment in general, please contact Enrollment Services at for assistance. In your email, let us know that you are from ISTS so we can better understand and address your inquiry.

Study at Harvard Summer School

Registration for Summer 2025 opens March 3.

Enroll in a Professional & Executive Development program

To take advantage of this discount, please follow these steps:

  • Select an upcoming program offering on the Professional & Executive Development website.
  • Create a profile using your company email address and register using the code ISTS_PDP_2325. This can be entered at the bottom of the first page of the shopping cart. Once you click “Apply Promo Code,” you will notice on the payment page that the tuition has been adjusted to reflect the discount. Registrations without a valid company email address will be rejected.

If you have any questions, please reach out to In your email let us know that you are from ISTS so we can better understand and address your inquiry.


Questions about this partnership or interest in a private professional development program for your team/organization? Reach out to Kathryn Wight, Director of Partnerships. 

Additional Harvard DCE resources

Career Services

Harvard Extension School offers career services to employers and current students. If you are hiring, we encourage you to promote your open roles through the Harvard Office of Career Services, where positions can be viewed by current degree students and alumni at Harvard Extension School. For instructions on posting open roles please use this link. 

If you are taking Harvard Extension School classes and you are interested in information on developing your career, you can find more information about Career Services at HES here